The scriptures of the 30th Sunday point us to the reality that being spiritually blind can seem worse than physical blindness for believers. With the eyes of faith, we can view the interior of our lives and the direction our lives are headed.
If you have a loved one who you would like remembered on All Souls Day, submit your prayer request below and it will be included in that day's intentions at Masses in the Spiritan community.
World Mission Sunday is Sunday, October 20, 2024. This day is an opportunity to pray for and support Catholic Missionaries, but it’s also a great opportunity to learn more!
In this Sunday’s Gospel, a rich man asks Jesus, “What must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus reminds us that eternal life in the kingdom of God is worth more than all our earthly possessions.
On October 2, the feast day of Spiritan Founder Claude Poullart des Place, Fr. John Fogarty, C.S.Sp. was installed as the new Provincial of the U.S. Province. Four Lay Spiritans made their first commitments, and two renewed their commitments.
In this Sunday's Gospel, Jesus uses the image of marriage to speak about the Kingdom of God. Just as marriage is a gift from God, so is the kingdom of God. We have a permanent connection with God.
As one of the youngest founders of a major religious congregation (he founded the Spiritans at age 24), Claude Poullart des Places accomplished so much and influenced so many other young people during his short life.