The Beatitudes in today’s Gospel teach us that we all can find favor with God. It is great to know that we are all called “blessed” in God’s sight. No matter what our current circumstances may be, Jesus affirms God’s dream for us all- you are Blessed.
For many people, being blessed refers to the material or financial benefits they receive from God. In Jesús’ vision, even those who are struggling or meek can consider themselves blessed. This is not the criteria our world uses for happiness.
Some people may even ask; how can we be happy when we are poor or searching for justice? The Christian life requires us to notice and assist those who are easily overlooked or forgotten in society.
The Beatitudes should make us reflect on the meaning of happiness in our lives. Today’s Gospel points us to the realization that God must be the source of our happiness and our peace. These Beatitudes are reflecting the reality of many people in our families and society now. No matter what, God is with us through it all.
Sometimes, we may not feel “blessed” because we think that our lives are not perfect. In whatever circumstances, we are called to be faithful. God accepts us where we are, and he never leaves us. We are still God’s beloved! We must rejoice and be glad!