On this Sunday, we are reminded that as we follow Jesus, we are being called into the freedom of the children of God. As we serve each other through love, we move closer to God and his desire for us.
The Gospel reading for today tells us of Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem. This journey is symbolic of the journey of each Christian. This journey will be filled with difficulties, successes, joys, and sorrows. The journey is worth it because it is done for what is good in God’s eyes.
The journey begins with our responding to God’s call and a recognition that this journey will not be easy and the cost of discipleship will require us to give without counting the costs.
In following Jesus, there must be an unconditional trust in God’s love for us. Jesus reminds us, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God.” We must prioritize God’s desire for us to be free while serving our neighbors with love.